Chili Shelf
‍Privacy Policy

This policy explains the what, how, and why of the information we collect when you visit our website, or when you use our Services. It also explains the specific ways we use and disclose that information. We take your privacy extremely seriously, and we never sell lists or email addresses.

We ask that you read this privacy policy carefully as it contains important information on:



We may change this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. All updates and amendments are effective immediately upon notice, which we may give by any means, including, but not limited to, by posting a revised version of this Privacy Policy or other notice on the Website. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy often to stay informed of changes that may affect you, as your continued use of the Website and our services signifies your continuing consent to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Our electronically or otherwise properly stored copies of this Privacy Policy are each deemed to be the true, complete, valid, authentic, and enforceable copy of the version of this Privacy Policy which were in effect on each respective date you visited the Website.


What information we collect

As data controllers we collect personal information about you such as your name, address, bank details, email address and/or phone number when you download and install one or more of our applications on the Atlassian Marketplace. We also collect personal information when you contact us at an industry event, networking events and through our website/JIra Service Management portal.

Our applications do not collect any sensitive information such as your ethnic origin, your political opinions, your religious beliefs, whether you belong to a trade union, your physical or mental health or condition, your sexual orientation and whether you have committed a criminal offence.


How will we use the information about you?

We will store your personal data for as long as our application(s) are installed on your platform. If you decide to remove the application(s) then we will retain your information for 6 years under the GDPR guidelines. We will only use information about you/your company for marketing purposes. We, Chili Shelf, do not intend to share your information with any third party with the exception of Atlassian themselves.

One of our applications, GPT Insights, utilises AI technology - specifically OpenAI (Chat GPT). Only the JIra issue data and comment data on a ticket are sent to OpenAI, our application does not send any personal or sensitive information to OpenAI unless said information is on the Jira issue in which GPT Insights is being utilised. You can see exactly what data was sent to Open AI by clicking on the β€œWhat data has been sent?” button when you use GPT Insights.

OpenAI will retain your Jira issue data for a period of 30 days to monitor abuse and misuse. The data is then deleted after this period. Click here for more information on OpenAI’s Data Policy.

At the time of writing this policy, no other of our applications send your information to any third parties.


What rights do you have?

You can request a copy of your information which we hold (this is known as a subject access request). If you would like a copy of some or it, please email us (see β€˜How can you contact us?’ below) requesting a Subject Access Form, which we will send you to complete. On the form we ask for some personal information as proof of identity. We will provide this information to you within thirty (30) calendar days and usually this is provided free of charge. However, in certain circumstances we may charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative cost of providing the information requested.

Right to correct any mistakes in your information:

You can require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold free of charge. If you would like to do this, please write to us (see β€˜How can you contact us?’ below), let us have enough information to identify you (eg name, address, reference number etc.), and let us know the information that is incorrect and what it should be replaced with. We will aim to comply with your request within one month.

Right to have your personal data erased:

You can contact us to request for your data to be deleted or removed where you feel that there is no compelling reason for your data to be held or processed. There may be occasions where we cannot comply with this request (for example data that we require for legal or tax purposes) but we will endeavour to comply with requests which are made. If you would like to do this, please write to us (see β€˜How can you contact us?’ below).


How to contact us?

Please email our Data Protection Officer, if you have any questions about this privacy policy or the information we hold about you at



Date of last review: 16th June 2023


